The creation of personalized-digital-savings

As preconized by the Author in internet application for the money "datevaluation practice". (It may also be called "investment's substitute practice".

Working for the creation of

Summarized at a minimum

Author’s citations :

The Classic Economy need a mix of it three economic practices or a riskless substitute of the investment to give folks the opportunity to reach capital gains.

Upgrading our Classic Economy by adding “datevaluation practice” it enlarges the space's limits for wealth extraction and gives better performances providing people wellbeing.

Because : the savings remuneration by “interest rate” is not vitalizing folks to use “savings practice” and “investment practice” it claims expert risk control pushing and reducing people to “consumption practice”.

Allowing people “datevaluation” in a web based economy where folks keep their cash resources shifting in personalized-digital-savings adding dynamics and production factors to get “webcashmatic results”.

Keeping at any moment the right to reverse from digital-savings into analogic bank notes, by “cashcall”. It’s the “cashkeeping mode” and “datevalors people” have never to pay nothing.

In cash-sharing-cash mode, for much-more-cash on “webtaxmatic” freedom.

Application results every day at the T.O.M. at 12:00 New York local time.

Caution : “datevaluation”, it exercise and results claims nominative ownership, because regulations of taxes and property rights on the Law..

When, Where, Who and How

When ?

In depending phasis of “protocols” with : W3C for Internet Standards uses, Google/Alphabet for techs structure uses, USAdmin for regulations needs.

Where and Who ?

At “” owned by the “” in “open-team” sharing Authors’ copyrights .

How ?


 Organizing a cash production and regulations for it cash distribution ;

Providing a general ledger and a blockchain;

Providing a general ledger and a blockchain;

Giving folks a personal motor-for-savings;

Giving folks a TimeStamped for time counting into digital savings ;

Giving folks a Market-for-Time exchanges ;

Creating WUW-The Webcash-Universocial-Web, agreed by W3C ;

Giving Technologic Structure by #googledepending protocol ;

Giving Regulations by #usadmindepending protocol ;

Fundamenting the creation of the UniversocialSovereignAnchor ;

We insure each person with the opportunity to get :

1. A savings helper (which run on your phone for free) ;

2. The benefits from “datevaluation” the 4th economic practice ;

3. The cash results coming from T.O.M. every 24 hours at 12:00.

All your results are from your “cashkeeping” datevaluations actions.

Your cash gains from time transactions you deal at The T.O.M.,


Your cash gains from TotUnixTimeCake every 12:00 if multiplication,

all your results have 2 qualities at the cashier moment :

results are #webcashmatic ;

results are #webtaxmatic.


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