Introduction :

Webcashmatic is one of the most useful qualities of the money datevaluation proposed by the economic action you can accomplish by internet and upgrading your resources in Economy 4G3W.

Webcashmatic gains are gains in cash which are web paied to you in “automatic” mode.

After the introduction we are going here at "" resume the essential of a large number of results included and into the composition #webcashmatic.

Because we publish, in blogs, sites and other places before about :

  • What is the Economy 4G3W ?

  • What is it restricted liquide phase "Cashkeeping" reserved for datevaluation operations ?

  • Why the "smart contract" insure control ?

  • Why your identity have to be that of your civil registre ?

  • Why the WUW's general ledger determine yours 2 apps for your mobile giving you the ability for the action of "datevaluation" and your "datevalors" webjuris person ?

  • Why the use of the Google's structure (Blockchain & GCPlatform) have to be protocolated before the launch of the Economy 4G3W ?

  • Why the USAdmin regulations have to be protocolated including TIGAS ?

  • What is the utility of the "TimeStamp" registered on each of your datevaluations ?

  • Why all results are in cash ?

  • What is the origine of your cash results ?

  • What is the "shift asset" transformation required for each creation of O.W. property ?

  • What is 1 O.W. owdated webquantum ?

  • What is the utility of your digital properties ?

  • How are the application rules for daily results ?

  • How your creations are produces "webcashmatic results" ?

These 15 questions are some base questions. Some of them contain innovative solutions as innovative it's the Economy 4G3W, overcoming the Classic Economy.

Of course we will going on with our publications and if you become a "datevalors" or an "Agreed Colaborator" our team the "" is allways happy to get your feed back.

Now here, you go with us "following 4G3W Webcashmatic". Ok we go :

Monument Valley, Utah

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. 


Denali National Park

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed odio dui. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.


This One Tree Somewhere

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.